Normally this would go into my blog
over at IEFilms. But it’s resting in a state of Limbo, while I decide it’s
fate. So, for now, here it is…
A "Submarine" that i hit toys in and slept in.
I used to make a lot of my toys. I
could make just about anything out of cardboard and shipping tape (I have my
parents to thank for supporting that creativity). Over the years that grew into
prototypes for items I thought people could use. Objects for games like
Paintball and airsoft.
I started collecting my own tools
and building my own kit in college, coming up with increasingly difficult and
time consuming projecting. And then I all but stopped. Maybe graduation gave me the
sense that I have to spend money to be “legitimate.” That I can’t, or shouldn’t
build props if I want to be taken seriously.
That’s a very expensive mentality.
I’ve been scrounging for props for
a new video;
An old fashioned typewriter.
Luckily, we had one in the garage.
A tweed jacket for my actor, Timmy…
Done, $6 at Goodwill.
And finally, a flare gun. $68-75 on
the internet. This was killer. I wanted to so bad. But I wasn’t going to be
able to afford spending that kind of money.
I begged people whom I thought
would have one. Nothing. I was searching online… Nil, at least without spending
loads of money I don’t have. I was ready to rewrite the script.
And then FreddieW (A youtube group
made up of Freddie Wong and Brandon Laatsch posted a video commentary on their
video “Real Life Portal Gun” where they say “We didn’t have the real thing. So,
we made do.” That might be me paraphrasing. :)
And I’m trying to reapply that
mentality where I can. My girlfriend might shake her head at that, as she’s
been saying that for months. Other friends have said it as well.
So there I am, grubbin’ on a burger
at Red Robin’s when BAM! It hits me. I have a plastic toy revolver that I found from when I
was little, Gorilla Glue, a PVC pipe that happens to be the size I need, and
one can of obnoxious Safety Orange Spray Paint. This is what I need it to look
1.5 hours later, I’m holding a prop
that I’m pretty satisfied with (keep in mind, a lot of that time was spent
waiting for paint to dry.). Oh, and I saved $75. Booya.
Finished Piece
Would John Woo accept that in a
close up? No. No, he would not.
Am I John Woo, or have a John Woo
budget? No. A resounding no to both of those.
But I think this will do great. I’ll
keep you informed as I can. Next post like this will be lighting (Inspired by
Ryan Connolly of Triune Films and Film Riot.)
For now, Good Night. :)
Niiiiice! It looks pretty good! I like it ;D